Migraines and headaches are not fun especially when accompanied by nausea or sensitivity to light. Taking OTC medication can relieve this pain; however, if migraines are something that happen daily there are more natural remedies that can help. Continue reading to learn tips on how to relieve daily migraines.
- As with most things, our diet plays an important role when it comes to migraines. Foods that contain monosodium glutamate (MSG) can be known to cause headaches and MSG can be found in our everyday foods because it is a flavor enhancer. MSG is the active ingredients in soy sauce and Asian foods. The reasoning that MSG is believed the cause headaches is that MSG activates NMDA receptors which then releases nitric oxide and causes the blood vessels to widen. If you discover that you eat lots of foods containing MSG, avoid such foods may help to alleviate your migraines.
- Foods that contain nitrates such as hot dogs, deli meat, bacon, and sausage can also be known to cause migraines; therefore, cutting out these foods containing nitrates could help relieve migraines.
- If you have already had a migraine and have nausea or feel light headed with your migraine, ginger is known to relieve nausea and can help with an upset stomach. You can add ginger powder to your foods or a ginger tea or drink will also work as well. Research has shown the ginger is as effective as the medication Sumatriptan with fewer side effects.
- Most Americans are deficient in magnesium, and that can lead to headaches. Studies show the magnesium oxide can be frequently used to treat migraines and migraines related to menstrual cycles. You can take a daily magnesium supplement or incorporate foods such as almonds, sesame seeds, cashews, and peanut butter into the diet as these are rich in magnesium.
- Oddly enough something that helps keep us awake is also something that can cause headaches. Too much caffeine can cause headaches especially if a person is dependent on caffeine. If you usually drink two cups of coffee in the morning, try cutting it down to one cup. Caffeine mixed with prescription or OTC medication can cause rebound headaches so if you’re currently on medication, lowering the amount of caffeine intake could help with migraines.
- Another thing to remember is to continue to stay active and get enough sleep. Being sleep deprived is the number one reason why most people have daily migraines and of course being tired can lead more to caffeine usage, so exercise daily and don’t skip any meals!